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CHOREGRAPHIES 2023/2024SAISON 2023/2024 

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SAISON 2023/2024


Chorégraphie Vidéo Niveau Fiche
Another Country V D+ F
Bill's basic V ultra D F
Born to be great V D F
Born to love you V D F
Dark side V ULT D F
Easy dance V D F
Cowboy boogie V ULT D F
Crazy legs AB V D F
Cut a rug V D F
Giddy up! V D F
Go country V D F
Heave away V D F
I still fall for you V D F
Kiss me V D F
Love ain't V ULT D F
Me and you V D F
Never drinking again V D F
Nobody leaves  V D F
One last shot V D F
Radio song V D F
See me now V D+ F
Texas hold'em V D F
Texas stomp V D F
That honky tonk highway V D F
The road V D+ F
Too many Love V D F
What makes y. c. V D F
Where are w. g V D F
Won't you dance V D F
Y'All come V D F


Chorégraphie Vidéo Niveau Fiche
Always humble V D+ F
Boys in boots V D+ F
Country dance V D+ F
Crazy song V N F
Double Devil V N F
Elizabeth V N F
First meeting V N F
Flying down the road V N F
Heaven's jukebox V N F
Goulaine DC V D+ F
I'm on my way V D+ F
Impossible love V N F
Little boy V D+ F
Magic Moment V N F
New Friends V N F
Nice and Easy V D+ F
Nothing good V N F
Ready for it V N F
River goes V D+ F
Road to Errogie V N F
Sounds like something V D+ F
Storm and Stone V N F
Sweet and Texas V N F
The Feeling V N F
Think of you V N F
Waxahachie V N F


Chorégraphie Vidéo Niveau Fiche
123 Whiskey V I F
3 Tequila Floor V I F
Come my way V I F
Daytona Sand V I F
Dim the lights V I F
Going, going, gone V I F
Gone west V I F
Here we go V I F
Irish boots V I F
Martha Divine V I F
New Friends V N F
No last Call V N+ F
Petit Gianni V I F
Right girl wrong t V I F
Riser V I F
Somebody you love V I F
Sweat and Dust V I F
Take it V I F
Western Show V I Western show frWestern show fr (124.36 Ko)
White Poppy V N+ F
Without me V I F
Woman amen V I F
Wonder V I F